नेपालमा लगानी गरी सुपरमार्केट र फ्याक्ट्रीहरु निर्माण गरी नेपालीहरुलाई नेपालमै रोजगारको अवसर दिलाउने दुबई सरकारको घोषणा

6:09 PM

Once given the written exam 9 0 days 3 times because it is allowed to ride a written exam and the law has been amended.

Since the revised law, the experimental test trial licensing Fell 1 months later, the trial would have been the day.

Amendment to pass written tests garekaharue 9 0 days trial offer is mentioned three times. 9 0 day trial now because now fail to do all that is 3 months.

Many showed signs of torture in law preceding the regulation was amended and impractical, said. Pandey. The new law, written exam 3 times the trial again failed due to give.

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