Report: Changes to Qatar’s kafala law to take effect Dec. 14, 2016

The main reforms are that:
There will be a new system to appeal refused exit permits; and
Expats who finish fixed contracts will no longer need their sponsor’s approval to take up another job.

भिडियो हेर्न यहा क्लिक गर्नुहोस Previously, one had to wait two years to work in Qatar again if an employer refused to grant a no objection certificate to change jobs.

Exit permits

Additionally, cognizant of the criticism Qatar has received of its kafala system, which human rights organizations say enables the abuse of expats at the hands of unscrupulous sponsors, the text of the new law does not use the word kafeel (sponsor). It instead refers to a contractual relationship between an employer/employee.

BunchandBrock Law

Photo for illustrative purposes only.

Meanwhile, though authorities said the passage of the legislation spells the end of the exit permit system, the text of the law suggests that the employer will continue to play a significant role in regulating the departure of his employees.

However, instead of appealing to an employer directly, an employee who wishes to leave the country must inform the Ministry of Interior at least three business days before his/her exit.

The MOI would then wait for the sponsor’s approval or objection before permitting the exit, the law states:

Qatari Princess Shaikha Salwa caught with seven men at London Hotel

In spite of the Qatari Royal Court (Diwan Amiri) desperately seeking to somehow vindicate this public disgrace ,paying no attention to this dishonorable sin, the Qatari King , a close US ally, allows private wahabi charities (wahhabism is a Saudi-based deviant so-called Islamic sect) to raise billions of dollars for CIA-backed Al Qaeda rebels in Syria.Qatar has also been a big source of arming dozens of fanatic militias in Iraq and Syria, in order to overthrow the democratically-elected establishment in those countes.

The 34-four-year-old Qatari Monarch (Tamim bin Hamad) has once purportedly said: "I'm not a patriarch for my family member's because Qatar is not actually a country or a nation, rather it is a big Natural Gas and Oil firm, and thus I grant this natural privilege to all my siblings to enjoy their own private carnal desires".

बाटोको बीचमा आफ्नो शरीरको सबै कपडा खोली अंगप्रदर्शन गर्दै युवती(भिडियो)

The morning started at 5:15 a.m. with Tunick and his wife, Kristin, packing up a van to head to the secret location. In spite of the press swirling around the event, they managed to keep the time and location secret. He emailed the address—a private piece of land, which he had permission to use—to 200 women on Friday, hoping that 100 would show up. In spite of the precautions, Tunick anxiously discusses the possibility of Secret Service helicopters flying overhead or cops showing up.

But Tunick is prepared: He's been arrested five times while attempting to work outdoors in New York. "It would just be me they'd arrest—not the women—and Kristin knows what to do if that happens," he says as he packs up the car. He's written on his hand in black marker the mantra, "Calm, Focus, Tight."

"This reminds me of the old days when it used to just be you and me doing these in New York," Kristin says to her husband on the ride over. They've been organizing nude art installations since 1994; Tunick has been planning this particular one for three years.

नांगै बनाइ झुन्डाएर युवतीलाई कुट्दै गरेको भिडियो भाइरल.किन यस्तो हुदै छ,हेर्नुस भिडियोमा

Torture has been a brutal reality for many unfortunate people. But the most unsettling fact about torture’s brutality isn’t its existence, but the way people have injected a perverted sense of creativity (and even pleasure) into the creation of devices designed to inflict pain. To prove our point here are the 25 most brutal torture techniques ever devised.Known as the punishment of ‘sitting in the tub,’ the convicted person would be placed in a wooden tub with only their head sticking out. After that, the executioner would paint their faces with milk and honey; and soon, flies would begin to feed on them. The victim was also fed regularly and would end up swimming in their excrement. After a few days, maggots and worms would devour their body as they decayed alive.

नुहाउदै गरेको १६ बर्षिय युवतीको नेकेड भिडियो लिक(१८+ मात्र)[भिडियो]

The idea of a “bikini body” is a loaded one, and many women stress about whether they have one and how to get one for the majority of their lives. While the general consensus in feminist circles is that everyone has a bikini body (just put a bikini on your body and voila!), mainstream marketing is still catching up.

Take the recent — and depressing — spread in Discovery Girls magazine that told young girls which swimsuit would best complement their body shape.

दुबईका राजाले नेपालीहरु खुसि हुने गरे एस्तो निर्णय हेर्नुहोस भिडियो सहित SHARE गर्नुहोस

काठमाडौँ, ७ असोज - यूएईमा मृत्यु भएका २२ जना नेपाली कामदारका परिवारले ९ करोड ३८ लाख रुपैयाँ (३२ लाख १४ हजार दिराम) क्षतिपूर्ति पाएको छ। यूएईको राजधानी आबुधाबीस्थित नेपाली दूतावासका पहलमा मृतकका परिवारले यो क्षतिपूर्ति पाएको हो।दूतावासमा मृतक एक सय ६० जनाका परिवारले क्षतिपूर्तिका लागि दाबी गरी निवेदन दिएको थियो । बाँकीका लागि पहल जारी छ। दूतावासका द्वितीय सचिव कृष्ण अर्यालका अनुसार पीडित परिवारलाई ब्लड मनी (दिया रकम) र बिमामार्फत क्षतिपूर्ति उपलब्ध गराएको हो।
क्षतिपूर्ति परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय पठाइसकेको छ । पीडितले तोकिएको क्षतिपूर्ति परराष्ट्रले सम्बन्धित जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयबाट पाउने व्यवस्था गरी पठाएको छ, उनले भने, क्षतिपूर्ति रकम लिन काठमाडौं आइराख्नु पर्दैन।

क्षतिपूर्ति पाउनेहरूमा लमजुङका बजेन्द्रप्रसाद गुरुङ ५१ लाख ६० हजार रुपैयाँ (एक लाख ७६ हजार ६६६ दिराम), चितवनका सोमराज महतोले ५८ लाख ४२ हजार रुपैयाँ (२ लाख दिराम), गोरखाका विमल न्यौपानेले ८७ लाख ६३ हजार रुपैयाँ (३ लाख दिराम), रूपन्देहीका अकबर अली खानले २९ लाख २१ हजार रुपैयाँ (एक लाख दिराम), गुल्मीका नीलबहादुर कामीले ४३ लाख ८१ हजार रुपैयाँ (एक लाख ५० हजार दिराम), तनहुँका यमबहादुर आलेले २१ लख ९० हजार रुपैयाँ (७५ हजार दिराम) रहेका छन्।

सिक्किमकी १६ बर्षिय युवतीलाइ बेहोस बनाइ जंगलमा लगी सेक्स गरेको क्लिप बनाइ अपलोड(भिडियो)

Specifics have been passed to officials in France by the NCA - Britain's equivalent to the FBI - but no arrests have been made.

The report, leaked to The Sunday Times, was sent to Theresa May when she was foreign secretary earlier this summer.

It states: 'Where the NCA has received specific information about the abuse of children, we have shared the information as soon as possible with the French authorities.

'French authorities have established investigations as a result, but have not yet been able to take legal action.'

भिडियो कलमा आफ्नो सारा यौवन सुम्पिदै काठमान्डूकी युवती.उत्तेजना असिमित(भिडियो)

Dating in Indian culture is nothing more than fooling around. There's nothing serious about it at all. The only exception is if the relationship is Indian to Indian. That means there could be a greater likelihood of success. The odds of an Indian man marrying a white woman are very low.

An Indian man marrying a white woman is culturally-speaking "not suitable/acceptable" on multiple levels. White women are not born and "bred" for entering and nurturing the complex Indian culture, traditions, and customs. They are in the mindset of nuclear families. Indian culture, at its heart, is about nurturing and supporting complex joint family relationships.

White women are not going to become submissive. This would be interpreted as a weakness according to Western culture.

पाकिस्तानलाइ चेतावनी दिनको लागी नेपालको उदाहरण किन दिदै छ मोदी?पारा तताउने शब्द(भिडियो)

India will make every every effort to isolate Pakistan internationally, PM Modi said
Calls Pakistan “the one nation in Asia” wanting to plunge the region into bloodshed and terrorism
PM said Pakistan’s leaders read out speeches prepared by the masters of terrorists to preach on Kashmir

UAE मा अलपत्र नेपालीहरु.ठग म्यानपावरलाइ कारबाही गर्न सक्दो सेयर गरौ(भिडियो)

अलपत्र  नेपालीको भिडियो हेर्न तल क्लिक गर्नुहोस् भिडियो अलि स्लो छ एकछिन कुर्नुहोस 

As we know that most of the Nepalese people go in the foreign land to earn money. They are unaware about the situation that arouses there and only dream about being there at any cost. For them it doesn’t matter what is the reality, they just want to reach the place. Here in the video we can see problems that are being faced by the Nepalese residing in those places. It is hard to believe but is the reality. The people have to face many problems. For other it is a place where money grows but no one sees the sweats that are being run by the poor people. With a dream of getting a good future they go to the places and in return they have to work without caring about their health, all day and night. In the hot and sickness, at any time they have to work.

उभिन पनि नसक्ने रक्सीले मातेको श्रीमानलाइ कामुक श्रीमतीले सेक्सको लागी तयार पार्दै(भिडियो)

भिडियो अलि अस्लिन भएको कारण फोटोमा क्लिक गरि खोलुहोस 

There's no question that smoking weed or drinking before you have sex has an effect on the, ahem, activities that follow. Surely this is something you've discussed among friends, but to give your next conversation about the nuances of sex under the influence a bit more weight, assistant professor Joseph Palamar and a team of researchers at New York University published an in-depth, qualitative study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior on how, exactly, marijuana and alcohol affect our bodies and sex lives.

Monday night, killing 76 of the 81 people aboard, authorities said.

A chartered plane carrying a first-division Brazilian soccer team to a historic game slammed into a Colombian hillside Monday night, killing 76 of the 81 people aboard, authorities said.

Six people initially survived the crash, but one died a short time later, Colombia's civil aviation agency said.

The 72 passengers included members of Chapecoense, a Brazilian soccer team that rose from relative obscurity to play in one of South America's most prestigious tournaments. The team had been scheduled to play in the Copa Sudamerica finals against Atletico Nacional on Wednesday in Medellin.

CCTV footage of dress changing

An elevator mechanic in his 60s nearly lost his hand on Wednesday, November 7, 2013, around 9:45 a.m. local time, when his hand became entrapped by a traction sheave while he was working on an elevator at 1300 17th Street North, a high rise office building in the Rosslyn neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia. The victim’s coworkers immediately called for paramedics, who arrived shortly after the coworkers were able to free the victim’s hand. Reports indicate that the victim’s hand was almost entirely severed, however, it was not clear at the time of writing whether doctors would be able to save his hand.

मोदी कुत्ता हाय हाय,मोदी कुत्ता हाय हाय-पाकिस्तान सेनाको डरलाग्दो आक्रोश.भारत संकटमा(भिडियो)

जम्मु-कश्मिरको उरीमा आफ्नो सेना क्याम्पमा आतंकारी आक्रमणको भारतीय सेनाले बदला लिएको छ। स्पेशल फोर्सको दुई समुहले उरी क्षेत्र नजिक पाकिस्तानी अधिकृत कश्मीर (पिओके) स्थित ३ ट्रेनिङ क्याम्प ध्वस्त गरेको भारतीय मिडियाले जनाएका छन्। यो आक्रमणमा करिब २० आतंककारी मारिएको जनाइएको छ। साथै २०० बढी आतंककारी घाइते भएको बताइएको छ।सेनाको सुत्रको हवाला दिदैँ भारतीय मिडियाले यो आक्रमण २०-२१ सेप्टेम्बरको रात गरिएको बताइएपनि कुनै आधिकारिक पुष्टि भने गरिएको छैन। आक्रमणको लागि भारतीय सेनाले हेलिकप्टरको पनि मद्धत लिएको भनिएको छ। पाकिस्तान द्वारा पिओके क्षेत्रमा ‘नो फ्लाई जोन’ घोषित गर्नु पूर्वनै भारतले यो आक्रमण गरेको हो।

उरी आक्रमण पश्चात पाकिस्तानले भारतको रणनीतिलाई विचार गर्दै पाकिस्तानको सिमावर्ती इलाकामा आफ्नो गतिविधि तिव्र गरेको छ। साथै गिलगित-बाल्टिस्तान क्षेत्र तथा अन्य प्रमुख इलाकामा ‘नो फ्लाई जोन’ घोषित गरेको छ। भारतले कुनै हवाई कारवाही गरे सजिलै प्रतिकार गर्न पाकिस्तानले सो क्षेत्रमा उडान प्रतिबन्ध लगाएको हो। यो संगै ट्वीटरमा “Spl Forces Cross LoC” र “Kill 20 Terrorists” भारतमा ट्रेन्डिङ भएको छ। १८ सेप्टेम्बरमा उरी आक्रमणमा १८ भारतीय सेना मारिएका थिए। त्यो बेला देखि पाकिस्तान र भारत बिच तनाव उत्कर्षमा छ। भारतले पाकिस्तानलाई जवाफ दिन हिजो सीमामा ट्याङकर पठाएको समेत खबर आएको थियो।

This is one of the easiest ways to turn on women.

This is one of the easiest ways to turn on women. Fun and interesting conversations can easily get women flocking around you.

This can easily make her develop sexual attraction towards you. However it doesn’t mean you must have a great sense of humor because all can seduce a woman by making her laugh. Provided you can tell simple stores that make people giggle and hang on your words.

You also have to be good at listening and talking to people. Talk to her in a sexual language but do not be over the top. If it comes out to strongly she will think you are out to get laid or plain desperate.

ठमेलमा रेटको कुरा गर्न देखी लिएर रुममा गइ सेक्सको क्लिप सम्म रिकर्ड STING OPERATIONबाट(भिडियो)


भिडियो हेर्न माथि क्लिक गर्नुहोस 
Thamel also acts as the pre-base camp for mountaineers. It boasts a wide range of mountainee
ring gear shops, foreign money exchange booths, mobile phone shops, pubs, clubs, and nightlife along with the numerous travel agents and guest houses.Thamel is distinguished by its narrow alleys crowded with various shops and vendors. Commonly sold goods include food, fresh vegetables/fruits, pastries, trekking gear, walking gear, music, souvenirs, woolens, clothes. Travel agencies, small grocery stores, budget hotels and restaurants also line the streets.

अन्तर्वार्ता दिने क्रममा रेखा थापाको वस्त्र नमिल्दा देखियो गोप्य अंग(भिडियो)

भिडियो हेर्न माथि क्लिक गर्नुहोस 
Rekha Thapa was born in Salakpur in Morang district of Eastern Nepal. After graduating from school, she moved to Kathmandu for her higher studies. As she had strong desire to be an actress, she continued to participate in various modelling glances & glamorous programs. Later she took part in the Miss Nepal Pageant in 1999, and ended up in Top 10.
Thapa worked as a model, and was subsequently approached by the producer Chhabi Raj Ojha with a proposal to work in the movie "Hero" with Rajesh Hamal. During the shooting of Hero, Chhabiraj Ojha proposed to her, and the two were married in traditional style.After ten years, the couple separated.

Plane carrying 81, including soccer team, involved in accident in Colombia

A plane carrying 72 passengers and nine crew members was involved in an accident near Rionegro, Colombia, according to the country's civil aviation department.
The plane declared an emergency between the municipalities of La Ceja and La Union, according to a statement from Colombian aviation officials.
There could be six possible survivors, the statement said.
The plane took off from Bolivia's Viru Viru airport at 6:18 p.m. local time, according to Manuel Palamas, an air controller at the airport.

सुगौली सन्धी अनुसार १५० बर्षमा मिचिएका सिमाना नेपालले फिर्ता पाउने उल्लेख(भिडियो)

The Treaty of Sugauli (also spelled Sugowlee, Sagauli and Segqulee), the treaty that established the boundary line of Nepal, was signed on 2 December 1815 and ratified by 4 March 1816 between the East India Company and King of Nepal following the Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814-16. The signatory for Nepal was Raj Guru Gajraj Mishra aided by Chandra Sekher Upadhayaya,the signatory for the Company was Lieutenant Colonel Paris Bradshaw. The treaty called for territorial concessions in which parts of Nepal would be given to British India, the establishment of a British representative in Kathmandu, and allowed Britain to recruit Gurkhas for military service. Nepal also lost the right to deploy any American or European employee in its service (earlier several French commanders had been deployed to train the Nepali army).

Under the treaty, about one-third of Nepalese-controlled territory was lost including all the territories that the King of Nepal had won in wars in the last 25 years or so such as Sikkim in the east, Kumaon Kingdom and Garhwal Kingdom (also known as Gadhwal) in the west and much of the Teraiin the south. Some of the Terai lands were restored to Nepal in 1816. More Terai lands were restored to Nepal in 1860 to thank Nepal for helping the British to suppress the Indian rebellion of 1857

सकिङ !!! इटहरीमा होटेल होटेल यसरी हुन्छ यौन धन्दा - ५०० रुपैया मै किशोरीहरु ग्राहकसंग सुत्न तयार

Shady offers There is a difference between massage parlour and brothel houses. Massage parlours are for providing body massages and healthy living. Brothels, on the other hand places where commercial $ex workers provide $exual services to their clients. Apparently, there is a correlation between these two services in Nepal. Massage parlors in Nepal do not only provide you with a revitalising massage but also have a lot more to offer. Prostitution, as we know is illegal in Nepal, due to whichaothel owners do so through massage parlors, cabin restaurants and dance bars. Most of the $ex workers of Nepal prefer a job in massage parlors and dance bars rather than on the streets as they can be safe from the police raids and also maintain their social status with a better earning. Most of the $ex workers are illiterate, unaware of the pros and cons of being a prostitute.

पोइला गएकी श्रीमती संग भेट हुदा हेर्नुहोस यहाँ के भयो ? भिडियो सहित

Dohori music is Nepali folk songs. Dohori means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm,

and involves quick and witty poetry. The two teams in Dohori usually involve boys in one group girls in the other. The song is started with a question usually from the boys’ side. The girl follows the question with a quick response and continues the musical conversation.

Dohori songs can last for as long as a week. The length of the Dohori depends on the quick thinking ability of the players

तरकारीवालीसँग गोप्य गफ: चायवालासँग मेरो बिहे हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्छ र ? हेर्नुहोस भिडियो)

Everyone knows the foods that are healthy and those that are not, right? Yet, there are still a lot of those foods on the store shelves that are being advertised as the “healthy option”, but really are far for

being a decent choice. In fact, some of the worst offenders are filled with ingredients that, on top of being unhealthy, keep those inches on your waistline and won’t let you take off those extra pounds. There are still other foods that, although they actually are healthy, they are simply too dangerous to

consider eating. There are dozens of foods which would make this list and it might be hard to avoid them, but let’s take a look at just the top 20 dangerous foods that you should never eat and remove from your diet if you care at all about your health.

सेक्सको उत्तेजना बढेको बेला कसरी शान्त गर्नुहुन्छ?प्रश्नमा अनौठो जवाफ(भिडियो)

Over You In 3 Minutes!

When you are into a women, you most likely know the feeling that appears more and more along your getting to know each other and pushes you to bring things to the physical level.

„Should I touch her gently?“

„Should I invite her over to my place and cover my interest?“

„Should I just grab her and kiss her and see how she reacts?“

When it’s time to bring things to the physical stage with a women, most men are tempted, but hesitate. No matter if it’s about the first kiss or first sex.

पैसा को लागि आफ्नो शरीर सुम्पुदै हिड्दा भयो यस्तो हालत हेर्नुहोस भिडियोमा जे देखियो

New short movies and comedy videos are uploaded on the channel and the title of the new comedy video uploaded on it is Mom vs Dad.

In the short movie a guy goes up to his dad. His father asks him where he came from. He replies that he came from a date. The father becomes very proud and says that his son has finally become big.The guy says that he wants to marry the girl who is also their neighbor’s daughter. the dad becomes very serious and says that he can not marry her because she is her sister because she was born because of relation ship between him and the neighbor.

The guy looks sho*cked and again says that he will marry the girl living in the upper flat. The father gain says the same thing and the guy becomes very sad. He goes up to his mother and shares the things that his father had done with him. The mother tells him not to cry and also adds that he can marry whoever he wanted because the man was not actually his dad

मनिसा कोइरालाले फेरी पनि रक्सि खाएर सार्बजंकी रुपमा यस्तो हुलिया देखाए पछी >>> {भिडियो सहित}

We haven’t heard much good news about Manisha Koirala these days. Her re-entry in Nepali movie wasn’t that effective and the marriage didn’t work either. She had been seeking inner peace by visiting various yoga camps and she still doesn’t seem to have gathered herself up, yet.

Manisha was caught in a very unpleasant drunken state at a newly opened restaurant. It was the opening ceremony of the new restaurant, Versova, owned and operated by her ex-boyfriend Prashant Chaudhari.

Dressed in black-grey dress, Manisha, wasn’t able to control herself and was escorted to her residence by her friends.

भारतीय सेनाका पूर्व रथी अशोक मेहताले खोले केपी ओली सरकार गिराउनुको कारण > {भिडियो}

India’s Nepal Affairs expert and retired Indian Army General Ashok Mehta has claimed that the disputed Lipu Lekh issue was resolved by then Rana Prime Minister Chandra Shumser Rana.Addressing a function in the capital on Thursday, Mehta argued that there was no point in planting flags in Lipu Lekh or creating disputes over the issue now.Adding that he has possession of the map Rana had handed over to British government, he claimed that the map clearly shows that the disputed area does not fall in Nepali territory.He also said that there is no point in disputing the issue as then foreign minister of Nepal Rishikesh Shah also admitted that the part was handed over to British India. He said since Nepal and India have disputes not just over Lipu Lekh but also over Kalapani and other territories, the issues need to be resolved through diplomatic channels.

प्रचण्डको सरकार ढलेर के.पी ओलीले नेपाललाइ प्रगतीको बाटोमा ल्याउनेछ-गुगल बोय(भिडियो)

A group of youths have taken to the street saying that the government is preparing to amend the constitution so as to allow naturalized citizens to hold key state positions.
Youth associated with different social networking groups protested at Maitighar in the Capital City demanding not to make such change to the constitution.
“We resorted to protest to forewarn the government after media reported that the government has prepared a draft of amendment proposal so as to allow naturalized citizens to hold key state positions,” said Bikram KC, one of the protesters.
Fresh debates have resurfaced after the government started preparations to amend the constitution so as to allow naturalized citizens to hold top state positions.
Madhes-based parties have been protesting the new constitution arguing that it has curtailed the rights of naturalized citizens that were guaranteed by the Interim Constitution.

Dance India Dance, a dance reality competition on Zee TV,

Dance India Dance, a dance reality competition on Zee TV, is a widely followed show all over India. Today the show had its grand premiere with the three judges (Gaiti Siddiqui, Mudassar Khan and Punit J Pathak) appearing before the Grand Master (Mithun Da a.k.a Dada). In the fifth year of its existence, the show has tweaked its format a bit, by dividing all the final 15 contestants into three groups (Gaiti ke Gangsters, Mudasar ki Mandali and Punit ke Panthers). They will battle it out to win the ‘Sunheri taqdeer ki topi (Golden Hat of Destiny).’

But, guess who came to grace this occasion. It was none other than the Bhaijaan of Bollywood, Salman Khan who had come to promote his upcoming film, Bajrangi Bhaijaan. He not only set the stage on fire with his dance moves, but also cracked a lot of jokes and revealed a lot of memories. Though, the episode with Salman Khan stretches over two days, the first day was a memorable one.

Mr. Pranab Mukherjee and Vice-President Dr Hamid Ansari

Ahmedabad, Saturday: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi during his stay in New Delhi today paid courtesy call on President Mr. Pranab Mukherjee and Vice-President Dr Hamid Ansari.

Mr. Modi congratulated Mr. Mukherjee on his being elected as the nation’s constitutional head on behalf of the state government and the people of the state.

Mr. Modi congratulated Dr. Ansari on being elected Vice-President for the second term on behalf of the state government and the people of the state.

रामदेवले १० अर्ब लगानीमा उद्योग, १० वर्षमा २० हजारलाई रोजगारी, नाफा भारत नलैजाने

पतञ्जली आयुर्वेद लिमिटेडले आगामी १० वर्षभित्र नेपालमा एक खर्ब रुपैयाँ लगानी गर्ने भएको छ । कम्पनीले विभिन्न किसिमका आयुर्वेदिक औषधि, दैनिक उपभोग्य तथा सौन्दर्यबद्र्धक वस्तुको उत्पादनमा उक्त लगानी गर्ने भएको हो । यो खबर हामीले आजको नयाँ पत्रिकाबाट लिएका हौ।
नेपालमा १० अर्ब रुपैयाँ लगानी गरी उद्योग स्थापना सुरु गरेको पतञ्जली आयुर्वेद लिमिटेडका संस्थापक योगगुरु रामदेवले काठमाडौंमा आयोजित एक कार्यक्रममा बताए । ‘लगानी विस्तार गर्दै एक खर्ब रुपैयाँ पुर्‍याउने योजना छ,’ उनले भने । पतञ्जलीले गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघ (एनआरएन)का संस्थापक अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र महतोसँगको साझेदारीमा वीरगन्जको पर्सौनीमा पतञ्जली उद्योग स्थापना गरिसकेको छ ।नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघले मंगलबार योगगुरु रामदेव र आचार्य बालकृष्णलाई स्वागत गर्न आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा उनले उक्त लगानी गर्ने बताएका हुन् । ‘हामी नेपाल स्वस्थ र समृद्ध भएको हेर्न चाहन्छौँ,’ उनले भने । कम्पनीले उक्त समयभित्र २० हजारलाई प्रत्यक्ष र एक लाखजनालाई अप्रत्यक्ष रोजगारी दिनेसमेत बताए ।
पतञ्जली र उद्योगी महतोको लगानीमा वीरगन्जको पर्सौनीमा स्थापना भएको उद्योगमा हालसम्म एक अर्ब ५० करोड रुपैयाँ लगानी भइसकेको छ । उद्योगले अहिले ६० प्रकारका वस्तु उत्पादन गरिरहेको महतोले जानकारी दिए । ‘पहिलो चरणमा खाद्यान्न, आयुर्वेद तथा कस्मेटिक वस्तु उत्पादन गर्न सुरु गरेका छौं’ उनले भने, ‘दोस्रो चरणमा औषधिलगायत अन्य सामग्री उत्पादन हुने छ ।’
नाफा फिर्ता नलाने
रामदेवले नेपालमा पतञ्जलीको उद्योग व्यवसायबाट हुने कुनै पनि नाफा भारत फिर्ता नलाने घोषणा गरेका छन् । उनले आफू नेपाललाई भारतजत्तिकै प्रेम गर्ने भन्दै यहाँ हुने नाफा फिर्ता नलैजाने घोषणा गरेका हुन् । ‘हामी अर्को वर्षबाट विकसित देशमा वार्षिक १० हजार करोड भारुबराबरको उत्पादन निर्यात गर्नेछौँ र ती मुलुकबाट भारतमा नाफा ल्याउनेछौँ,’ उनले भने, ‘तर, नेपालबाट नाफा भारत लैजाने छैनौँ ।’ उनले जुन मुलुकमा लगानी गरेको हो त्यही मुलुकको समेत भलाइ गर्नुपर्ने बताए ।
उत्पादनमा लगानी गर्न आग्रह
योगगुरु रामदेवले नेपाली निजी क्षेत्रलाई व्यापारमा भन्दा उत्पादनमूलक उद्योगमा लगानी गर्न आग्रह गरेका छन् । उनले व्यापारमा भन्दा उत्पादनमा बढी सम्मान मिल्ने भन्दै त्यसतर्फ लाग्न आग्रह गरेका हुन् । अर्काको ब्रान्ड बिक्री गर्दा तत्काल फाइदा भए पनि दीर्घकालीनका लागि आफ्नै ब्रान्ड स्थापित गर्नुपर्ने बताए । ‘हो उत्पादनका लागि चार–पाँचवटा चुनौती छन् र आफ्नै ब्रान्ड बनाउन १०–२० वर्ष लाग्छ,’ उनले भने, ‘मिहिनेत गर्न सके यो सबै सम्भव छ भन्ने कुरा पतञ्जलीले देखाएको छ ।’ पतञ्जलीले २० वर्ष लगाएर आफ्नो ब्रान्ड स्थापित गरेको र यसको वार्षिक कारोबार अहिले १० हजार करोड भारु नाघेको उनले बताए ।

विश्व बैंकको सहयोगमा तनहुँको भिमाददेखि पाल्पाको रामपुरसम्म जाने सडक विस्तार

तनहुँको भिमाददेखि घिरिङ देउराली हुँदै पाल्पाको रामपुर नगरपालिका जोड्ने मोटरबाटो विस्तार तथा मर्मत गर्ने कार्य भइरहेको छ। कृष्णमार्गअन्तर्गत पर्ने घ्यानुङ देउरालीदेखि केलादीसम्मको मोटरबाटो विस्तारको काम अघि बढाइएको छ।
आठ मिटर चौडाइ रहेको झन्डै २५ किलोमिटरको बाटो विस्तार तथा मर्मत कार्य अहिले तीव्ररुपमा अगाडि बढिरहेको छ। विश्व बैंकको सहयोगमा नेपाल सरकारको कार्यान्वयन योजनाअन्तर्गत रु १० करोड ७६ लाखको लागत स्टमेटमा सो मोटरबाटो विस्तार तथा मर्मत कार्य थालनी गरिएको ठेकेदार तेजप्रसाद बरालले बताउनुभयो।
सन्तोषी निर्माण सेवाले १५ महिनामा काम सम्पन्न गर्ने गरी सम्झौता गरी कामलाई अगाडि बढाइरहेको छ। यसै आर्थिक वर्षबाट सुरु भएको मोटरबाटोको ५० प्रतिशत कटिङको काम सकिएको छ भने नाली कटान र ग्राभेल गर्ने काम भइरहेको छ।
यहाँ मोटरबाटो विस्तार कार्य सकिएपछि पाल्पाको रामपुरबाट तनहुँको भिमाद, खैरेनी, पोखरा, काठमाडौँ, नारायणगढलगायतका विभिन्न स्थानमा सवारीसाधनको सङ्ख्या बढाउने तयारी गरिरहेको रामपुर यातायात समितिका अध्यक्ष राजन पोखरेलले बताउनुभयो। यस मोटरबाटोबाट पाल्पा, तनहुँ, स्याङ्जा र नवलपरासीका जनताले लामो तथा छोटो दूरीका लागि सहज सेवा लिँदै आएका छन्। रासस

यी हुन् नेपालका चर्चित कलाकारका यौनकाण्डहरु :

  Namrata Shrestha one of the beautiful and talented actress from Nepali Movie Industry with huge number of fans. Namrata debuted her movie career from Alok Nembang’s successful Nepali Movie Sano Sansar where she played the lead role of Reetu with Karma as her co-star. As her second movie Mero Euta Sathi Chha was another biggest Hit which was released in 2009, a movie by Sudharshan Thapa. At that time Namrata was known as the expensive Nepali Actress but due to the leakage of her home made Sex video with DJ Tantrik her craze was slightly decreased. After that Sex scandal she disappeared from Nepali Movies and did some HIV Awareness videos whereas in 2012 she came back with Nepali Movie Miss u which was not much successful as expected. Her upcoming movie is Chhadke by Nigam Shrestha which is not yet completed.  

यी १० काम गर्नेलाई नर्क जानबाट कसैले रोक्न सक्दैन- गरुण पुराण

मानिस उसको कर्म अर्थात कामका आधारमा बाँचेको हुन्छ । कर्मले नै मानिस सुखी हुने वा दुःखी हुने, सफल हुने कि असफल हुने जस्ता कुराको निर्धारण गर्छ ।सबै धर्मले पाप गर्दा नर्कमा जाने उल्लेख छ । गरुण पुराणमा १० काम गर्ने ब्यक्ति अनिवार्यरुपमा नर्क जाने उल्लेख छ ।
१- नवजात शिशुको हत्या गर्ने
गरुण पुरणामा नवजात शिशुको हत्या गर्ने ब्यक्ति नर्क जाने उल्लेख छ । शिशु हत्यालाई महापाप समेत भनिएको छ । यस्ता मानिसलाई नर्कमा समेत कठोर सजाय मिल्ने उल्लेख छ ।
२- स्त्रीको अस्मितासँग खेल्ने
स्त्रीका लागि उनको अस्मिता सबैभन्दा ठूलो कुरा हो । कुनै पुरुषले महिलाको अस्मितामाथि खेलवाड गर्छ भने उक्त पुरुष नरकगामी हुन्छ । त्यसैगरी गर्भवति महिलाको हत्या गर्नु पनि महापाप रहेको गरुण पुराणमा उल्लेख छ ।
३- विश्वास घात
आफूलाई विश्वास गर्ने ब्यक्तिलाई विश्वासघात गर्ने ब्यक्ति पनि नगरकगामी हुन्छ । विश्वासघातीलाई नरकमा कठोर सजाय मिल्ने गरुण पुराणमा उल्लेख छ । असल मान्छेलाई धोका दिने र अपशब्द बोल्ने पनि नर्क जान्छन् ।
४- पुजा स्थलको अपमान

कुनै पनि पुजा भैरहेको स्थानलाई अपमान गर्नेलाई पनि नगरकमा कठोर सजाय मिल्ने गरुण पुराणमा उल्लेख छ । कुनै धार्मिक काम भैरहेको स्थललाई अपमान नगर्नुस् ।
५- गरिव गुरुवा वा अपाङ्गहरुलाई आवश्यक पर्दा पनि सहयोग नगर्ने र उपेक्षा गर्नेहरु नरकमा पर्छन् । यस्ता ब्यक्तिलाई पनि नरकमा कठोर सजाय मिल्ने गरुण पुराणमा उल्लेख छ ।
६- घर आएका पाहुनाको अपमान गर्ने वा कुनै खानेकुरा नदिइ पठाउनेको पनि नर्कको बास हुन्छ । गरुण पुराण भन्छ घर आएकाहरुलाई विमुख फर्काउनु हुँदैन ।

७- आफ्नो खुसीको लागि अरुको खुसी भंग गर्नेपनि घोर नरकमा पर्ने पुराणमा उल्लेख छ । अरुको खुशी खोस्नेले नरकमा कठोर सजाय पाउँछन् ।
८- आफ्नो सन्तुष्टिका लागि जनावरमाथि हिंसा गर्ने र बलि दिने पनि नर्कमा पुग्ने पुराणमा उल्लेख छ ।

९- प्रकृतिलाई नोक्शानी गर्ने, रुख विरुवा काट्ने र जंगल वा जल विनाश गर्नेहरु पनि नर्क पुग्ने गरुण पुराणमा उल्लेख छ ।
१०- पर पुरुषसँग सम्बन्ध राखेर आप्ना पतिलाई हेला गर्ने र दुःख दिने स्त्री पनि नरकमा पर्छन् ।नेपाली हेडलाइन्सकाे सहयाेगमा

नेपालमै आयो नौलो सेवा : मासिक नौ सय भाडा तिरेपछि जतिपटक बस चढे पनि अतिरिक्त शुल्क नलाग्ने

चितवन, मंसिर ७ । भरतपुर उपमहानगरपालिकाको सहरी क्षेत्रमा अत्याधुनिक सुविधासहितको सिटी बस भित्रिएका छन् । ‘ग्लोबल मेट्रो सिटी बस प्रालि’का नामबाट उपमहानगरपालिकाको सहरी क्षेत्रमा र गैँडाकोटको विजय चोकसम्म बस सञ्चालन गर्न लागिएको हो । कम्पनीका अध्यक्ष बद्री अधिकारीले २५ वटा बस सञ्चालनमा ल्याएको जानकारी दिए ।

स्थानीय २५ जना व्यवसायीले कम्पनी दर्ता गरी भारतीय टाटा कम्पनीका २६ सिट क्षमताका बस आयात गरेका हुन् । एउटै ब्रान्डका ती बस उपमहानगरपालिकाको सहरी क्षेत्रमा रुट बनाएर नियमित सञ्चालनमा ल्याइनेछ । आठ करोड ५० लाखको लागतमा बस आयात गरिएको अधिकारीले बताए । बसका चालक र सहचालकलाई ट्राफिक प्रहरीका निरीक्षक, सहायक निरीक्षकले तालिम दिइरहेका छन् । बसका सबै सहचालक महिला रहेका छन् । मङ्सिर १९ गतेबाट भरतपुर उपमहानगरपालिका र गैँडाकोट क्षेत्रमा सिटी बसले सेवा सञ्चालन गर्नेछ ।

भरतपुरमा अत्याधुनिक सुविधासहितको सिटी बस भित्रिए
केन्द्रीय बस ट्रमिनल भरतपुर र पोखरा बसपार्क नारायणगढलाई मुख्य केन्द्र मानेर बस सञ्चालन गरिँदै छ । ती बसमा सिसी क्यामेरा, वाइफाई, मोबाइल चार्ज, स्थानीय उत्पादनको विज्ञापन गर्न मिल्नेगरी डिस्प्लेको सुविधा रहेको छ । बसमा ज्येष्ठ नागरिकलाई परिचयपत्रका आधारमा निःशुल्क यात्राको व्यवस्था गरिने कम्पनीका अध्यक्ष अधिकारीले बताए । कम्पनीले धार्मिक पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र देवघाट, मौलाकालिका र गणेशस्थानलाई विशेष महत्व दिँदै मेला महोत्सवको समयमा ती क्षेत्रमा यातायात सुविधा प्रदान गर्ने जनाएको छ । रासस

थाइल्याण्डको रात्री जीवनका केही गोप्य खुलासाहरु.कसरी हुदो रहेछ यौनब्यापार(भिडियो)

केही मानिसहरुका लागि टुरको योजना फुल रोमान्चकता हुन्छ । सेक्स टुरिज्म यस्तै रोमान्चकताको एक भाग हो । जो कयौं देशका लागि सबै छिटो र धेरै कमाइ गर्ने स्रोत पनि हो । जहाँ ग्राहकका रुपमा धेरै पुरुषहरु सहभागी हुन्छन् भने सर्विसका लागि बढी महिला । करोडौंको कारोबार गर्ने यस उधोगका कारण देशलाई अत्यन्तै फाइदा पुग्ने गरेको छ । यही कारण पछिल्ला केही वर्षहरुमा धेरै देशहरुले सेक्स टुरिज्मलाई प्राथमिकतामा राखेका छन् । जसका कारण उनीहरुको इकोनोमीमा उल्लेख्य वृद्धि भएको छ । को हुन्, ती टपटेनमा पर्ने १० देशः

पेट र स्तनको आकारबाट महिलाको कामुकताबारे थाहा पाउन सकिने रहस्य(भिडियो

विवाहभन्दा पहिला कुनै पनि केटा मान्छे केटी हेर्न जाँदा उसको रुपरंगको बारेमा जानकारी लिने गर्दछन्। यी कुरा केटा मान्छेले सजिलै थाहा पाउछन् यसमा धेरै पटक केटा मान्छेहरुले यसलाई रहस्मय तरिकाले थाहा नै पाउँदैन्। तर शास्त्रका अनुसार धेरे यस्ता विधि छन् कि कुन महिलाको भाग्य कस्तो छ भनेर पेटको आकारले थाहा पाउनुहोस्।

महिलाको व्यवहार उसको पेटको आकारले महिलाको व्यक्तित्व तथा भाग्यको बारेमा सजिलै थाहा पाउन सकिन्छ। हेर्नुहोस् कस्तो आकारको पेट भएकी महिला कति भाग्यमानी ?

असल र पातलो पेट

जुन महिलाको पेट सफा र पातलो हुन्छ, त्यो महिला धेरै भाग्यमानी र सुखसयल भोग्ने हुन्छे। उक्त महिलाको जीवन उच्च पदमा पुग्ने अवसर हुन्छ। यस्तो खालको महिला सामाजिक तथा धार्मिक स्वभावकी हुन्छिन्।

हस्तमैथुन गर्दा युवतीहरुले केटाको कुन अंग सोचिरहेका हुन्छन?[खुलासा[(भिडियो)

This video is very funny video where The Nerdy Gangsters goes about asking the people of Mumbai about their wild s*ex fantasies. They have been asking this attaching the valentine’s day. Valentine’s day is said to be the day to celebrate the love but this is not only day when people can share love. When people are in true love and relationship everyday for them is a valentine’s day. In this video you can see both boys and girls has different thoughts about valentine’s day and s*ex.

रणवीर र दीपिका संगै बिताएका गोप्य क्षण सेक्स क्लिपको रुपमा बाहिरियो(भिडियो)

Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh thought of the perfect way to crush nasty break-up rumours! The couple who have been plagued with constant reports of an alleged split over their differences, packed on the PDA at a car showroom in Mumbai. Reports state that the ‘Padmavati’ stars had stopped by at a showroom near Deepika’s house in Prabhadevi possibly to pick a brand new car, when they let their guard down. DeepVeer as they are lovingly called, were seen holding hands and even stole a kiss after making sure no cameras were around. The star couple has begun work on their third film together – ‘Padmavati’- which also stars Shahid Kapoor. While the Sanjay Leela Bhansali film is still a year away from its release, fans can catch Ranveer’s film ‘Befikre’ in December and Deepika’s Hollywood debut ‘xXx: The Return of Xander Cage’ in January 2017.

मुम्बईमा शरीरका भित्री अंगहरु छर्लंग देखिने गरी निरुताको नेकेड फोटोशुट(भिडियो)

Niruta moved to Kathmandu after she started acting in films. Her father was a friend of director Tulsi Ghimire and it was Tulsi who brought her into the film industry with Dakshina (1993). She went on to become the only actress of the Ghimire camp, first since legendary actress Tripti Nadakar, and went on to play such hits as Rahar. Niruta had come to everyone's attention from her first film but it was another Tulsi Ghimire film Darpan Chaya that brought Niruta into the limelight. Playing a college girl with just six months remaining to live, her performance received huge appreciation and Darpan Chaya went on to become a huge blockbuster of Nepali film industry, grossing NRs 70 million in 2001, the highest collection ever for a Nepali film.[2] Along with being a very good actress, she is also a singer. She first officially recorded the title track for director Deepak Raymajhi's NTV family drama series Vansha and later sang for a music album titled Deepshikha. She took a break from acting for two years (2008–2010) for giving time to her 'little hobby' of interior designing in Mumbai.

बोयफ्रेनको करले गर्दा पठाइएको नांगै फोटो र भिडियोहरु लिक(१८+ मात्र)

Basically, if someone else can see you getting busy, it's against the law. For your best bet, own a private beach (or get permission to boink on one). "Intercourse on a private beach could be legal depending on who can see you," says Michael Helfand, attorney-at-law. "For example, you can have sex in a hot tub on your property, but if it's in view of others, then you could get hit with a public indecency charge. Same for the beach, if you own a large strip of it and it's away from the easy view of others, then frolic away."

टिशर्ट माथी सारी पेट र स्तन सुम्सुमाउदै गरेको तिर्सनाको सानो सेक्स क्लिप लिक(भिडियो)

Controversial model,Tirsana Budathoki is renowned in Nepali model world as one of the most talkative and controversial girl. Recently in an interview,she walked off from interview saying some rude words with disrespect behavior. During interview,she was compared with "Archana Paneru" in which she got fired and threw her anger to interviewer. Though she has been appeared in many music videos,she still lacks some knowledge and intellectual mind,lots of viewers says.

कति सम्म घिनलाग्दो काम गरेका रहेछन यी कल्युगका राक्षसहरुले,कन्चनको ब्यथा(भिडियो)

छोराको टक्सन गाडी सातवर्षसम्म त्यहिँबाट गुड्यो तर फोहोरको थुप्रोमा फालेकी आमालाई चिनेन । यी हुन् कन्चन शर्मालाइ सडकमा पुर्याउने नरपिचास पति र टक्सन गाडीमा हुइकिएर पनि नबोल्ने कुपुत्रहरु

वाइल्ड सेक्सको पूर्ण अर्थ के हो भन्ने यो भिडियोले पक्कै सिकाउछ(१८+ मात्र)[भिडियो]

Her sister Riya Sen is also in the Bollywood industry. Their father Bharat Dev Varma is a member of the royal family of Tripura.[2] Her paternal grandmother, Ila Devi, was the princess of Cooch Behar, whose younger sister Gayatri Devi was the Maharani of Jaipur.[2] Her paternal great-grandmother Indira was the only daughter of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III of Baroda.[3][4]

Raima's maternal great-grandfather Adinath Sen was a prominent Kolkata businessman, whose son Dinanath Sen - a relative of former Union Law Minister Ashoke Kumar Sen- was the Diwan or a Minister of the Maharaja of Tripura.[5] The sisters are credited on-screen under their mother's maiden name, although their official papers carry the surname Dev Varma.[6]

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