College Life

10:34 AM

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Download AnyList to share grocery lists with your roommates and keep everything straight. It will make your lives so much easier.

You should drive as little as possible. It will save you money, relieve stress and give you exercise. When in doubt, walk it out.

Buy a wristlet that you absolutely love, but that isn’t too expensive. For class and also for the parties and bars, having a little companion to safely store your phone, money and ID is essential.

Use a day planner. Get a day planner app. Basically, organize your sh*t in order to maintain your sanity.

Create a junk mail email account and sign up for a bunch of different coupons and offers. The email blasts that go out often have coupons that cannot be found anywhere else and can be an incredible help to those shopping on a budget.

Cook giant meals and condition yourself to love leftovers, because groceries are freaking expensive.

Rejoice in a good pair of slippers. Especially if you are living in a dorm, they are life savers.

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